Friday, July 23, 2010

Too Much Camera Fun!

Mommy got out the camera, cute outfits, bows, flowers, and with way to much time on her hands held a photo shoot with Jaycie. She was giving some adorable faces and the only problem i had was she was soo awake i couldn't get a any cute sleeping pictures which is normally not the problem with a new born baby!

Just Some Pictures

Baptisms and Picnic at the River

On Sunday July 18th our church went down to Boyer Park on the Snake River and had a summer picnic and baptized 6 people! The kids had so much fun playing in the river and with all the sandy dirt. they are definitely fish and love the water. Mackenzie has no fear at all and just walks right in till she can't touch anymore and has to be rescued. At least this time she had a life jacket on so it just turned her on her back and she got to float which she found way to amazing. The boys had fun practicing the swimming skills that they had learned the previous two weeks at swim lessons. Daddy had fun getting everyone wet with the super soakers we brought for the boys. It was a great afternoon with great food and great people. We will definitely be bring the boys back soon!

Jaycie's First Bath with her Sissy

Jaycie and Kenzie got to take a bath together a few days after birth when her belly button healed. Mackenzie had so much fun and thought it was so amazing she could get a bath with her nice sissy and not those mean brothers. Jaycie liked her bath as long as someone was sprinkling water over her. I guess she didn't like her belly being cold.

Mac loves the color bath beads that make the water fun colors. Every time she gets a bath she gets them out and is so excited to throw them in. This time she got really excited and threw in two to make green.

I just love Jacyie's hair after a bath is it all fluffy and curly after it is washed. The only problem with babies with a lot of hair is that you have to wash it way to often and take care of it so it doesn't get tangled. So amazing to have to do to a newborn!

What a Wide Awake Baby!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Free Bowling Anyone?!?

For the last few summers some of the bowling alleys around the country have offered two free games a day for each of your children. Well this summer we decided we would take advantage of this wonderful deal. The boys have been having so much fun bowling a bunch of times a week. Sterling has gotten so good and has even learned to roll the ball without the help of the ramp roller. Parker has so much fun lining up the ramp so he can roll his ball down the lane. Mackenzie loves to run up and push the ball down the ramp. It has been so nice having something to do that doesn't cost us anything and on occasion its nice to be able to order a pizza for the kids to make it even more fun. This was Jaycie's first time coming with us and she slept almost the entire time and woke up right at the end hungry. After eating she even got to roll a few frames in daddies arms.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Learning to swim like Frogs and Tadpoles!

Sterling and Parker had so much fun during their swim lessons this summer. Sterling was part of the Frog group and learned how to float on his back and on his belly in the water with his face in the water. He also learned how to glide across the water on his back and belly. Parker was part of the Tadpole group which was basically an introduction to water skills. He learned to kick, float, hold his breath under the water. They had so much fun getting to swim every morning for 10 days. One the last day the lifeguards spent the entire 30 mins taking kids up and down the slides and catching them at the bottom. The kids had so much fun being able to ride the slides wince most of them are too small to ride them during normal pool hours. Both the boys have greatly improved in their water skills and will be swimming on their own in no time! Jaycie also got to get some sun during one lesson since she decided to have a blow out at the pool! lol

Jaycie Brooklyn

Jaycie Brooklyn was born on July 6th at 8:41 PM. She was 8 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches long! she has a crazy full head of dark brown hair and beautiful eyes. She is our best sleeper and eater yet. Everyone is in love with their new baby sister fighting over who gets to hold her and kiss her.

Our poor blog!

It's official Facebook has won the blog battle in this house! But I am voweling to update this with lots of photos and stories for those of you non-facebookers out there. Although I still can't believe that there are still people who haven't been turned yet!