Friday, August 6, 2010

Fruits, Nuts, and Great Grandparents!

Landon and I decided to pack up the kids and all the junk stuff they require and head to Redding California to visit the great grandparents and the rest of the Sharrett family living there... and believe me there is a lot of them! After a 12 hour drive which was surprisingly relaxing and had no melt downs which was amazing because Jaycie can not even ride to Walmart without screaming all the way but God took pity on us and put her to sleep for the entire car ride. We have discovered Redbox movies for the kids in the car because they are new, costa dollar, and can be returned anywhere! Talk about amazing! Poor Miss Mac was not excited that her brothers were in the back and therefore so was the movie. At one point after leaving a Mcy D's for breakfast and forgetting to buckle in Mac we found her standing in her car seat trying to steal the DVD player. Mind you it was 10 feet out of the parking lot so don't go calling CPS on us just yet wait for the rest of the blog post!

The kids had so much fun seeing all their grandparents and believe me there is about three sets there so to say the least it can be confusing for them. At one point we told Parker to give his bowl to Great Grandma Linda to put in the sink and he proceeded to give it to Great Great Grandma Burwell! She was definitely confused as to why this little child was giving her an empty bowl!

And of course there was the tradition baby bath by Great Grandma Linda. A baby cannot leave that house without a bath from grandma. She likes babies clean and smelling good!

It was a great trip all around and the kids had so much fun with Landon's cousins who were there while we were visiting. Lucas who is around 12 i believe was the kids play toy for the first two days we were there. Mackenzie followed him around and insisted on sitting on his lap all day long. He was a great sport and had probably just as much fun as my little ones did.

Now here is the part that you have been waiting on.. About 50 feet from the car on the way home about to get lunch we realized we only had three kids with us and that the baby was still asleep in the car. So no if children falling out of shopping carts, windows, and standing in their car seat hasn't made you think of calling CPS this might just push you over the edge.... Maybe just maybe but we doubt it!

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