Friday, August 6, 2010

Sisters! Sisters! There were never such devoted sisters!

Miss Mackenie is loving all over her sister everyday more and more. It reminds me of the song "Sister" from White Christmas my all time favorite movie (just ask my husband who has now seen it way too many times in only five years of marriage). Although now Mackenzie will not let Jaycie out of her site and will not let her be held by anyone unless she is in momma's arms with a watchful eye right next to the person I realize that one day they will be fighting over their brothers friends. Which only scares me more and more to think of my girls chasing after boys let alone thier crazy brothers friends. But for now it is only sweet kisses and over protectiveness which I can gladly say I am thankful for. But I'm sure that one day in the not so far away future their slogan will be "Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister, and Lord help the sister who comes between me and my man". All I can hope for is two singing men who will dress up in teal lacy and sing a song while the girls run from the police and help an old retired friend!

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